Friday, May 27, 2011

Bring strippers, and wood will appear!

Hey Friends!

It's been awhile since I have posted, sorry about that! Lots has been going on with the boat, I wasn't able to do much in April, but got a few things polished and cleaned that I took off the boat and brought home.

May 24 was a big weekend for me, I started working on the boat Thursday, I will day by day it for you.

Thursday May 19th

I brought my friend Greg with me on this trip, he expertly patched all the chipping paint in the cabin with spackle and got it all ready to paint!

I worked on the haul testing out the new gel stripper and trying to get it to work. Not much success with it on the first day, which got be pretty dismayed as I didn't know how in the hell I was going to get the paint off!

Friday May 20th

I was all alone on the boat Friday, I started to have some break throughs with the stripper and paint started flaking away, by mid afternoon Friday I had gotten to this point with the port side of the haul.

(Sunset over the fields & solar panel) 

I took some time have some dinner and a beer. I worked until 11pm Friday and started to get happy with my progress.

Ended the night with a bonfire with my cousins on the farm.

Saturday May 21st

Saturday was a bit of a slow day, I was a bit tired. Got a little bit more chipped away. I went to see my Grandfather and we had a good chat about the boat and life.

Sunday May 22nd & Monday May 23rd

David came with me for the next two days, and we got a lot done. Not much to type the pictures talk volumes. All the hard wear is being taken off the deck to prep that to be stripped, resealed and all the hard wear put back on and re-caulked.

I have decided to take more time with the project and just do everything thoroughly now, less work later. Which puts my schedule a little later, hopefully we will have the boat in the water by July 1st.

I will update more soon :)
