Thursday, February 23, 2012

2012- A new year and the Wood Duck shall be done!

Hey Friends and Family,

I apologize I thought I had made a blog post last fall as to where we got on the boat... I apparently did not.

Last spring and summer I was very fortunate to have a lot of great support working on the boat. As the paint pealed back and back I got to see more of the lovely cedar underneath; however, we found some patches of rot on the boat (which we expected) after a long detailed and thought out conversation, Admiral Evan and I decided the best solution was to hire a carpenter to replace the parts of the boat that were showing signs of rot and distress.  Deciding this meant that the boat would not get into the water for 2011.

As of March I will start doing updates again on every day we work on the boat. I have included the " TO DO" list so you can get an idea of what still needs to be done. ( I know the list seems a bit epic, but know that this is about 30% of the work we already did last year, so very doable this spring.

As always let me know if you have time and want to help on the boat, every time I get one volunteer for a day, it cuts my work in half and lots more gets done!!

 1. Starboard all sanded!!
  2. Starboard stern all sanded!!
 3. Port stern 1/2 back, needs to be sanded and striped.
 3a. Port prow, a little sanding.
 4. Port stern view from aft.
 5. Starboard where new cedar strip will be.
 6. Port where a new cedar strip will be put in just along the keel.


The list is in order of what needs to be done first, broken down by section of the boat. Some jobs can be done simultaneously, see schedule break down for idea of how all the work will be accomplished.

Starboard Side Hull:
Notes: Fully striped & rough sanded (See picture 1 & 2.)

1. Replace boards  near the stern (see picture 5) [Hours? Not done by Oz]
2. Sanding:
    •    Prow around the chain plate
    •    Prow under trailer support
    •    Keel, the lead still has some paint
    •    Indented line below the deck above the waterline needs to be scrapped out and sanded
    •    Outside of toe rail along the deck
    •    Lighter grit sanding of everything above the waterline
3. Clean all bronze porthole, exhaust holes, etc.
4. Filling all the cracks with epoxy and seam sealant.
5. Sanding down the epoxy over the cracks, blending in with wood.
6. Smoothing and sanding under the waterline (not faired)
7. Fairing the boat above the waterline, to just under the waterline.
8. Seal and Paint

Port Side Hull
Notes: 3/4 striped & 2/3 sanded. (See picture 3 & 4.)

Replace boards along the keel. (see picture 6) [Hours? Not done by Oz]
2. Stripping (Needs 10°c + weather)
    •    1/2 along to 3-4 ft of the way back above the waterline; this might be able to be sanded, if everything else is done before the warm weather. (1-2 coats of stripper)
    •    Last 3-4ft of side to stern (3-4 coats of stripper)
    •    Prow above the waterline (1-2 coats of stripper)
    •    Underneath the two pads on the side, front support and back support (3-4 coats) NOTE: Pull off pad and see if it can be sanded.
3. Sanding:
    •    All area's above mentioned in the stripping will need to be brought down to wood.
    •    Parts already at wood will need a light grit sanding.
    •    Indented line below the deck above the waterline needs to be scrapped out and sanded
    •    Outside of toe rail along the deck
    •    Under the two pads on the side, front support and back support.
4. Clean all bronze porthole, exhaust holes, etc.
5. Filling all the cracks with epoxy and seam sealant.
6. Sanding down the epoxy over the cracks, blending in with wood.
7. Smoothing and sanding under the waterline (not faired)
8. Fairing the boat above the waterline, to just under the waterline.
9. Seal and Paint

1. Light coating of finer glass needs to be pealed off
2. Sanded underneath.
3. Clean the "Wood Duck" sign.
4. Seal and Paint

1. Clean and polish Chain Plate.

1. Brought back down to metal. If possible, take the rudder off and bring it to Bill (metal worker) to have it sand blasted.

1. Cleaned off (Swept well, tools, etc moved off)
2. Uninstall as much deck hardware as possible.
3. Sanding:
    •    Belt sander for flat parts (not down to wood, just smoothed out, not ripping into the fiberglass.)
    •    Circular and hand sanding for the curves and hard to reach places.
    •    Hand sanding for all teak rails.
    •    Inside of the toe rails.
4. Re-install all deck hardware with glue/sealant underneath. NOTE: Must be done before painting.
5. Plexiglass over the vents reinstalled (Roadie)
6. Fix fiberglass around mast step
7. New Life Lines!
8. Replace a couple of the cabin windows that are cracked or broken.
9. Tape off all deck hardware and teak before painting
10. Seal and paint. Smooth white, gritted white for walking area's, and stain for teak.

1. Sanding
    •    Light sanding of the hatch cover.
    •    Teak around the cockpit
    •    Winch bases
    •    Floor
    •    All painted areas to be sanded and smoothed for painting.
2. Seal and paint all white areas, varnish teak.
3. Replace stern Spinnaker winch mount.
    •    measure the wood for brad
    •    remove
    •    install new one
4. Take apart all winches, clean and reassemble
5. New compass
6. Install new push pit on the back.
    •    Need to bring drawing to Bill (metal worker)

1. Sanding
    •    All white walls to be smoothed and ready for repainting, using putty where needed.
    •    Clean, vacuum etc after the sanding.
2. New lighting: LED puck lights from IKEA
    •    7 in the cabin, same spots as old ones.  (2 in galley port and starboard, 1 over the bunks port and starboard, 1 in the head, 2 in the V birth starboard and port.)
    •    Take out 120V cable that use to power old cabin lights. (LEAVE WIRING FOR MAST & BOW LIGHTING)
    •    Re-wire with 12v wire, and add 12v switches beside lights.
3. Re-wire and replace circuit pannel.
    •    Map out the entire wiring scheme of the boat.
    •    Re-draw the wiring scheme of the boat
    •    Will need new circuit panels
4. Ceilings over bunks.
    •    Measure old ceilings
    •    Construct new perforated ceilings
    •    Re-install new ones
6. Re-install all wood panels etc.

- Bairings?
- New mount for the back post
- clean it off

- Empty stripper containers disposed of
- Wood Duck signs from the front of the boat cleaned (not going back on)

1. Knot Meter (both the display and censor) * Could be a combo with Depth Finder
2. Depth Finder (both display and censor)
3. GPS (Not a necessity for this year.)
4. Radio
5. Compass
6. Safety Gear
7. A couple of new ropes (list to come)
8. Life lines
9. Push Pit (from Bill)
10. Couple of new porthole windows for cabin.
11. Lighting for cabin
12. Wiring for cabling
13. New circuit panels